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Mal:Stor initial

Fra Wikikilden

This template is for creating the large initial of a beginning paragraph that is common in both modern and antiquated typography:

Lorem ipsum sit amet...

To use


{{stor initial|content|font-size|margin-top|margin-right|margin-bottom|margin-left}}.

The font-size parameter and margin value parameters should be specified with relative units, i.e. as a percent or in 'en' or 'em' units.

None of the parameters are necessary, in which case the defaults are

  • content = A
  • font-size = 3em

Typography Notes


If you need the "drop initial" effect in a text, in which the enlarged initial drops below the baseline and the subsequent lines of the text wrap around it use the template {{innfelt initial}}:


orem ipsum suas propriae ne nam. Duo etiam omittam ea, ex mei nostrud interesset. Sea no idque aliquyam, cu utamur impedit usu. Has te falli explicari disputationi, in ius decore denique torquatos, id usu harum similique cotidieque. Splendide consequuntur ex quo. Ut qui primis alienum. At ignota consetetur moderatius qui. Et eam habeo mediocritatem, iisque neglegentur sed ut. Tempor apeirian moderatius ad sit. Everti iriure an nam, duo aliquip tamquam et, ne tollit graeco his. Et eum vidisse maiestatis.